
Hey, I’m Shara. Like, “Would you like to share-a-cookie?”

I have super curly hair and an obnoxious laugh. Those two things seem to define me.

Christ-Follower. Seminary student at Columbia International University.  Rom-com lover. Yorkie fan. Chipotle enthusiast. Lover of infomercials.

I’m quite ordinary, but I desire to do extraordinary things for Christ.

Several years ago, I asked God to ruin my life. He did. And, though the past years have been the hardest years of my life, I am so thankful.

Now the plans that I have made
Fail to compare when I see Your glory

Ruin my life the plans I have made
Ruin desires for my own selfish gain
Destroy the idols that have taken Your place
‘Till it’s You alone I live for,
You alone I live for


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11 thoughts on “Shara

      • Indeed, I had an unusual (unfortunate?) experience with the prayer of Jabez (“bless me and enlarge my territory”) not so long ago. It sounds like your prayer continues to work for you and Him–there’s power there.
        So, I thought I knew my way around blog sites but rather than scroll through “previous post,” do you have a link to your first blog? Unless you recommend reading them in reverse.

      • I should ask how much your blog likes attention (especially that ancient stuff). Your style seems very personable, with some deep subject matter, so I admit I could get chatty; but I know too well some prefer not to draw too much attention/comments on their thoughts.

  1. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10: [We interrupt this list of names:]”9Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request….[Back to your regularly scheduled genealogy] Now you have. 🙂
    I was in HS, so I got a bit blindsided; Sometimes (usually?) answers are different from what we expect.
    Five years is a long time for a lot to change, writing styles, perspective, and wisdom not the least of it for someone looking for “ruin” and rebuilding. I like what you have to say and thought I’d start at the beginning, so I wouldn’t call it bored. Thanks!

  2. Hi, Shara. I found your blog through a Google search which led me to a post you have called “I Don’t Trust God Anymore.” But when I clicked the link, it says that page can’t be found.

    I’ve read a few of your posts. They’re well-written, beautiful and poignant, and wonderful and fresh. I’d love to read the one about trusting God – I’m in the middle of a struggle in which I should be happy but instead feel God has betrayed me in every way meaningful to me – and get solace from it. Have you removed it?

    Whatever the case, be blessed, I hope your schooling went/is going well, and all blessings in Messiah Yeshua to you and yours.

  3. Hi Shara! I recently followed you when I discovered that you had a blog! I’m the editor of the CIU Rambler, which ran your delightful article on not sucking at dating. I’ve read through a few posts and am intrigued by what you’ve written here. I can’t find the actual story as to the circumstances around your asking God to ruin your life, and I’m curious to know if you have an actual post about it. You have a wonderful writing style, and I’m enjoying through your backlog of posts here. Looking forward to seeing what you’ll post next!

    • Hey! Thank you! That’s so funny. I didn’t know that you all published that (and it’s funny because it was not allowed when I originally submitted it 😉 ). I do not have an original post about that, actually. It’s a long story. Maybe one day I’ll write it out 🙂

  4. A little over a year ago, I messaged you on Instagram to tell you that I’d read some of your blogs and that they were extremely relatable and encouraging. And it was sort of weird because I remember being like “Oh my goodness, I have to talk with her. But no, that’s weird, she doesn’t even know me! I don’t even know her,” sort of thing. But you responded kindly, and since then, I’ve been following your blog because somehow your life seems to be so, so similar to mine and because your posts have been so inspiring to me. It’s like… like you are me, but from the future… LOL I’m sorry if I sound crazy. I just really want to be your friend.

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